Wednesday, October 20, 2010

10/20/10: God Calls Us All in Some Way


I thought that some of you might be interested in the process by which a person is called to the ministry. Whether Catholic, Protestant, or Jewish, each individual's experience will be different and unique based on their personal history, but at the same time, many similarities run through church ministry candidate that bind all those called to full-time ministry. This Blog is a little about my experience and calling as I have come to discern my calling to ministry. Each person's calling is different. This is to provide some insight to the process by which one who is called to full-time ministry goes through as he or she defines who they are, where they have come from and where they are going.

This is my story about how God has been persistent in my life and in my case, has allowed circumstances (good and bad) to occur which have made my calling personal, unique, real, and obvious within my life and specifically how God has/is calling me to one ministry which is greatly needed in today's church.

Many persons today are afflicted with physical, mental and/or emotional conditions which God turns into good from what is potentially devastating. There was a book published entitled, "Why Do Bad Things happen to Good People?". Sometimes these occur to allow God's glory, power and love shine through as a lamp glowing in the darkness.

This is my story about my calling, the process in matriculating through Seminary and finally launching my full-time ministry. I hope you find this helpful and enlightening as you discern your personal vocation. Laity and Clergy alike are both called to vocations. The trick is understanding to which God is calling you to and how you respond to that call.
