Wednesday, October 17, 2012

ARTICLE: Religious Americans' Perspectives on Same-sex Marriage

A huge area of discrimination which many overlook because of bias, cultural or learned, is that of HATE crimes.

Today in the US, many states are beginning to recognize same sex marriage (or unions).   I really don't understand why there is so much tug against this simple act - two individuals, regardless of gender, fall in love, and get married.

But even if all 50 states approve same sex unions, it still does not equate to marriage between a man and a woman when it comes to Federal benefits.  Same sex unions are not recognized for Tax purposes.  Sames sex unions are not recognized for Social Security purposes (if a man and woman are married, and one dies, the other obtains the higher of the two social security payments - same sex couples do not); Same Sex couples for disability purposes (if one or both of married heterosexual couples are disabled and one dies, the other does not get the higher of the two disability payments); It truly won't be equal until same sex marriage is equal to heterosexual marriage until ALL federal benefits named above and other benefits, to which heterosexual couples in marriage by law, are entitled, are also accessible to legally married same sex couples.

Religious Americans' Perspectives on Same-sex Marriage

Bro Jeff