Saturday, November 1, 2014


Are you Catholic?  Have you become lapsed in your faith because of "policies" with which you don't agree?   Have you been excommunicated or disenfranchised by your Catholic church?   Are you not allowed to take communion because your marriage is a mixed faith?  We welcome all to Christ's table to receive the Holy Eucharist.

What if I told you that there were more Catholic churches other than Roman?   What if there are Catholic churches which embrace Vatican II and use the 2nd edition Missal as promulgated by Blessed Pope Paul VI and revised and promulgated by St Pope John Paul II?

What if there were a Catholic church which did not believe in artificial barriers like sexual orientation, gender identity, mixed faith marriages to separate people from the Sacraments, or embraced all who feel the call to priesthood whether married, straight, gay, or a woman?  Are you a same-sex couple and looking for a Catholic church home which welcomes you and your partner?   Are you a same-sex couple looking for a Catholic wedding?

St John XXIII Catholic Church is an independent Catholic parish, a parish under the jurisdiction of the United American Catholic Church (see and is right here in Indianapolis.  How you ask?  Remember there are more Catholic Churches other than Roman.   And are we really Catholic?  Absolutely.   The litmus test for any church claiming to be Catholic is to have Apostolic Succession and a Valid Eucharist.  Our jurisdiction, the United American Catholic Church has eleven lines of Apostolic Succession and all our clergy offer a valid Eucharist.  Deacons offer pre-consecrated hosts for Communion.

If any of these things seem to apply to you?  If you still want to practice your faith without any
manmade artificial barriers to the Sacraments.  If you embraced Vatican II as it was originally intended, then why not consider coming to St John XXIII Catholic Church and find out just what we are all about?

Right now we are looking for a space in which to celebrate holy communion (sometimes incorrectly referred as a "Deacon's Mass").  We will be announcing soon regular Sunday services.  

In the meantime, if you want to learn more about St John XXIII Catholic Church, the history of Independent Catholicism in the US and its relation to the "Old Catholic Church" traditions, then visit our FAQ page on our parish website at